Risks And Disadvantages Of Technology

  • Risks And Disadvantages Of Technology

    November 28, 2022 By Evette Normand 0 comments ,  

    The development of modern technology has disadvantages such as dependence on new technologies. Man no longer has to think. Man no longer does mental calculations and works on his memory even though the calculator is an excellent invention. The decline in human capital implies an increase in unemployment. In some areas, machines can replace the human mind.

    Risks of the technology

    The use of technology certainly requires rules and new laws. For example, internet use is individual freedom. Nonetheless, the development of the atomic bomb can’t be an individual choice. In fact, when these technologies roll out, it’s difficult to enforce regulations.

    Since most technological innovations aim to decrease human effort, this would mean that machines do more. This means less work for people. People are becoming more outdated as processes become mechanical and jobs become redundant.

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